Washington Fishing has some of the best Steelhead and Salmon Fishing in the World. If you are fishing the Olympic Peninsula for giant Winter Steelhead or if you are trolling Drano Lake for Columbia River Spring Chinook. Washington State is a great place to target Salmon and Steelhead year around.
Cowlitz River is a year around fishery; which as great runs of Spring Chinook Salmon, Fall Chinook Salmon, Coho / Silver Salmon, Winter Steelhead and Summer Steelhead. Giving Fisherman a high probability of hooking into fresh fighting fish year around. One of Washington Fishing most popular rivers.
East Fork Lewis River is a great river for drift boat fishing. Record wild Winter Steelhead (32lb 12oz) and wild Summer Steelhead, makes this river a quaint Washington Fishing River.
Kalama River is located 45 minutes north of Portland, Oregon off of Interstate 5. Kalama River is a great Washington Fishing river; what makes Kalama River so great is it’s annual return of Spring Chinook Salmon, Winter Steelhead, Summer Steelhead, Fall Chinook Salmon and Coho Salmon.
Washington Fishing has the Washougal River, located in Southwest Washington, is a small tributary of the Columbia River that has an annual return of Salmon & Steelhead. The Washougal River gets both Summer and Winter Skamania strain Steelhead.
Wind River is another great Washington Fishing location, found in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge. The Wind River is a tributary of the Columbia River, getting an annual return of Columbia River Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead. Wind River Fishing is a great place to target Columbia River Spring Chinook Salmon, during the months of April and May.
The Wynoochee River is a wonderful Winter Steelhead & Fall Salmon gem! The Wynoochee River is an Olympic Peninsula River, head waters start in the Olympic National Forest. Wynoochee River is much closer than most of the other popular Olympic Peninsula Rivers; such as the Sol Duc River, Hoh River, Bogachiel River and Quinault River. Olympic Peninsula Rivers are a great place for Washington Fishing.