Willamette River Fishing is one of Portland Oregon’s premier fishing destinations.  The Willamette River is a major tributary to the Columbia River. It is also one of the few major rivers that flows primarily north and is home to a variety of fish such as; spring Chinook salmon, fall Chinook salmon, coho Salmon, winter Steelhead, summer Steelhead and Sturgeon.

The Willamette River has three runs of Salmon, but the spring Chinook salmon is the main focus for most fishermen.  This river is one of Oregon’s best spring Chinook salmon fisheries. This is Willamette River’s most anticipated fishery! Guided Willamette River spring Chinook fishing starting in March I concentrate at mouth of the Willamette River. I will run Willamette River guided trips low in the system and  then move up the Willamette later in April. When spring Chinook fishing is slow down I will run catch and release sturgeon to make a day of fishing even more enjoyable.  Combinations trips for spring Chinook and sturgeon are a lot of fun.

The Multnomah Channel is part of the Willamette River and it to is a great fishery.  A lot of times I will guide for spring Chinook in the Multnomah Channel during the Columbia River season to target our second spring Chinook salmon of the day.  I will either fish low entering the Multnomah Channel at the mouth and run up.  Or I will enter from the head of the Channel by Fred’s Marina and fish that area.  The Multnomah Channel can be a very great fishery for a spring Chinook salmon guide!

Guided Willamette River Fishing for Salmon

If you have any question about Willamette River Fishing please feel free to CONTACT ME. Also check out my FACEBOOK page.


Willamette River Fishing … Get out and fish!

Book your trip today or call me for more information 360 798-1664