East Fork Lewis River fishing a completely different fishery than its partner river the North Fork Lewis River. The East Fork Lewis River is not controlled by a dam, like
the North Fork Lewis River (NFL). It seems to be more of a consistent river, water conditions, staying in fishing shape much longer than the NFL. Not only does it stay in shape longer; it will also drop back into fish-able conditions much faster. This is why the East Fork Lewis River is can be a good choice for rainy season guided winter Steelhead fishing trips.
Guided fishing trips on the East Fork Lewis River is done from a drift boat. This is because most of the banks that line the East Fork Lewis River Fishing not accessible by foot, due private land. East Fork Lewis River guided fishing trips start at Lewisville Park and end at Daybreak Park, Battleground Washington.
In 2014, WDFW turned the East Fork Lewis River Fishing into a wild winter Steelhead and wild summer Steelhead fishery. The East Fork Lewis River no longer receive hatchery planed Steelhead. Although you will find a few NFL hatchery Steelhead straying into the East Fork Lewis River.
Throughout the years, the East Fork Lewis River has produced some large Steelhead. It also hold the Washington State Steelhead record; a 32lb 12oz monster winter Steelhead caught in 1980. The East Fork Lewis River produces big Steelhead, which makes Steelhead Fishing on the East Fork Lewis River a great destination for Washington Fishing.